Sunday, March 04, 2007

The OC.

One of the best is over. It has been a week since Ryan, Seth, Summer, the Cohens, Taylor, Julie walked into the sunset. I have enjoyed my tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays (I blame FOX) watching the drama-filled antics that is - The OC.

Yes, it is just a television show but it was more than that. It created "Chrismukkah," fashionable females, gave an outlet to indie bands such as Death Cab for Cutie, The Shins, Phantom Planet, Imogen Heap, etc. and the witty remarks from Seth Cohen.

We have the dvds to remember the outrageous storylines (Oliver Trask, Charlotte, Johnny meets the cliff), mistakes (Caleb's death) and groundbreaking moments (Spiderman kiss, Marissa's death, Ryan & Taylor) and the montages, oh the montages. They did really have the best didn't they?

Season 4, brought new energy back into Newport. On thursdays, Ryan and Taylor made me smile. Marissa was such a pain. I hope Autumn Reeser gets another show fast, she literally saved the show. She had the best lines of the season, "Well what if I did? Hm? What if I did rent a homosexual for the evening...and pay him with rare collectibles from Asian cinema? What difference does it make to you?" and "I know, I know bad Taylor! I shouldn't have tried to get you drunk, just like I shouldn't have pretended to be sleep therapist, or rented Roger the homosexual ..."

And who knew Ben McKenzie is such a hottie? All these years I have been distracted to the geekiness that is Adam Brody. Enough blushing. Seth and Summer lacked the romantic chemistry from previous seasons, but the final montage made it all worth it. The music was set by Patrick Park's "Life is a Song" and has been in my head this whole week, as seen on my Myspace. But really the finale did the series justice: Julie making something of herself, Ryan and Taylor together (shy glances), Seth and Summer getting married, Ryan coming full circle and saving a kid like how Sandy saved him. Here's to you OC, "Maybe if we turned this into a body-switch comedy, we could have squeezed two or three more years out of this."

"Time to let go of the things we used to know"

1 comment:

Curtis said...

Damn Regina, song stuck in my head now. Hey kid, you need help?