Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hey Jude, don't make it bad

Hello I was so fortunate to watch Across the Universe last Friday with Gianel and Selene. I love musicals, especially ones that are vibrant (Moulin Rouge) as opposed to gloomy (Rent). Who cannot love when the story is set to Beatles music? The film is set into the 60's, when Jude moves to the states and meets Max and later his sister Lucy.

The music is fantastic especially the voice of the lead, Jim Sturgess, who plays Jude. He is hot and a singer, kept me swooning. He so reminds me of Ewan McGreggor. After the movie I just had all their versions of "Something" "Hey Jude" "Strawberry Fields Forever" in my head. I tried to get the soundtrack but it was sold out at Best Buy. So right now I'm keeping my fix through imeem and youtube. Really I recommend this for anyone who loves musicals, The Beatles and in between. Under all the rebellion revolutionary subplots, it is a love story that reassures that love is all you need.

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