Sunday, September 30, 2007

SNL Premiere.

A High School Musical parody. Count me in. Hairrrry beav.

They call you weasel, say your methods are medieval, you can blame the Jews, I'll be your Jim Caviezel.

I-rannn I-rann so far away. So catchy. I was so taken by surprised when Adam Levine popped up in a digital short that has to do with Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Piano sounds familiar doesn't it? Nujabes? OOooh and Jakey cameo! Andy Samberg keeps rolling out them hits. You got me straight trippin too.

HAHAH omg Will Forte as Drake Bell. Giving Kanye West credit for mocking himself. Taking that blue ribbon lmao.

1 comment:

Name is Nel... said...

HAHAHAHA.... that was good. I missed it last night, but those skits and the short, were HI-LARIOUS!