Best Season Finale: Lost
Anti-climatic: Heroes
Leaving me in tears: Ugly Betty
LostThe best finale I think I ever seen. WOW. The beginning of the season, I admit I was bored and the story was not developing compared to how Heroes revealed their answers. But nothing can beat this finale. Really, brilliant. Don't read if you do not watch this show. Please. The razor phone really gave it away to me that this was no flashback, but a flash forward! Gasp. There is hope but not the life that Jack wanted. Jack became a depressed druggie with a freakishly brown beard flying Oceanic every week hoping to crash back on the island. How sad. He was distraught after reading an obituary on someone neither friend or family. But why so sad Jack? Jack called and shared a secret meeting with none other than Kate! I so called it. But Kate did not seem interested. More questions: What happened between now and then? Whose in the casket? Who was waiting for her? Why isn't she in jail? I say they returned to the island but it was kept undercover. Jack had to lie about where he was been, and probably was offered an exchange to get off but the other survivors remain the island, making Jack feel guilty so he is trying desperately to return. And wouldn't you recognize people if they returned from a plane crash? Conspiracy!
And back on the island, very good. Poor hobbit Charlie. He will be missed. Saddest death, at least he wrote a last message "Not Penny's boat." I never trusted Naomi. Now the question is who is she working with? Guess we will never know since Locke speared her with his knife. Awesome. Locke
should've shot Jack while he was trying to use that phone, you know he regrets ever leaving the island now. I believed Ben about Naomi, and what a long awaited ass kicking he got from Jack. Poor Ben, maybe they are really the good guys.
And what's with Mikhail, nothing can kill him? When he came up to the window with the
grenade it felt like Wile E. Coyote would do to the Road runner. Plenty of deaths, my favorites include Hurley in his
VW running some Other over and
Sayid killing an Other with his legs. What a
badass. Too bad Tom died too. Also, Walt hit puberty
ahha. And what's the Temple? Great season finale, I can't wait to see if we will see more flash
fowards and who these people Naomi work for! Too many questions to ponder for 7 months.
American IdolAs expected
Jordin won. "This Is My Now" is pretty
fuckin cheesy, but not as bad as "Do I Make You Proud/My Destiny" from last year. She won once she cried. Okay usually the competition sadly is based on the last song that the contenders don't even get to pick. So Blake was sabotaged
Jordin is really marketable so I expect her to sell
a lot of records. Good luck Blake, can't wait to hear what he's going do. Finale was disappointing and too long compared to last season's. Good moments include Carrie's "I'll Stand By You" and the
African's Children choir, adorable! And Kelly
Clarkson looked so mad singing "Never Again" her voice was so vengeful. Blake's
beatboxing instead of singing was something never done before so that was cool. I can't believe the season is over, thank god. The viewership numbers were down, is Idol finally losing it? Til' next season.
Dancing With The StarsYay.
Apolo won! Him and
Christina Aguilera Julianne are too cute
together. Joey was really good but
Apolo really came from no dancing background and really proved himself.
Desperate HousewivesGaby got married, but then started making out with her ex-husband. Okay, Carlos watch out her husband looks very powerful. Bree finally came back, and is pretending a pregnancy and will raise her daughter's baby. I guess. Lynette's mom is a bitch. And she still has cancer. Susan and Mike got married in the forest. Actually it was very romantic. And Edie hung herself. Too bad. The show kinda bores me now can't you tell?
Ugly BettyThe montage of Justin singing in West Side Story, and Santos getting shot really got me. Especially when Betty told Hilda. Just thinking about them crying in the hallway just gave me chills. There were a bunch of other revelations but damn that one hurt. I can't wait for next season. Easily the best new show of last season.
Fabia: "I wouldn't want to marry without my something old."
Wilhelmina: "With those veins in your legs, you already have something blue."
Grey's AnatomyBored. Cristina got denied at the wedding by Burke. Good. Her emotional break down ripping her dress off was dramatic.
Izzie-George annoys the hell out of me. And he failed his intern exam, whoops. Alex denied Jane Doe/Ava/
Rebecca. And you know
McDreamy is going get with Meredith's sister. Good, cause Meredith is giving him nothing in that relationship. You want them to work but I just give up.
HeroesI expected so much more battle between
Sylar and Peter. Cop out of Nathan saving Peter and flying to the sky. The whole season was about the city blowing up, and not letting it explode was stupid. And why was it so easy for
Hiro to kill
Sylar when earlier in a scene he stopped bullets? Was a charging Asian man much more threatening? Interesting was when Peter was talking to his dead patient, confusing. Also why didn't Peter just fly up, can he not use 2 powers at the same time? Stupid Claire should of shot him, come on he's going to survive anyway. But I can't wait to know who is "a lot worse than the bogeyman." The last 3 minutes is going to be the first 3 minutes of next season. Okay
Hiro is in ancient China. What does that mean? I really hope they don't stay in the past and I hope a city explodes.
Gilmore Girls
Series finale was good and satisfying for the fact the writers did not know this would be the last one. Luke through Rory a sweet farewell party. He even made the tent! Aw, that gesture finally brought Luke and
Loralei back together. I like how the camera panned out during the last season between Rory and
Loralei at
Lukes'. Paid homage to the first episode. I still wish Rory would have ended up with Jess. Swoon.
How I Met Your Mother
So Robin and Ted broke up after them dragged out funny assumptions that their news included moving to Argentina, an engagement and a pregnancy. Barney was hilarious trying to get Ted to tell him what the news was. So now season three, the single adventures of Ted and Barney will be "legend.. wait for it..
ary." I hope we finally get to see who this "mother" is. This show is so underrated I recommend to get into it.
Barney: "This is the 12
th most worried I've been that someone is pregnant."
The OfficeCute! The gold yogurt lid medal (The Olympic episode) from Pam to Jim was adorable,
reminiscent of the UK Office. So he just left Karen in New York? Good for him. I like how the show teases us, Jim easily could have ran into the office and kissed Pam but no, he interrupted her confessional with asking her on a date. I love how Pam teared a bit. What a great way to start next season. JAM!
Dwight: Don’t you want to earn
Schrute bucks?
Stanley: No. In fact, I’ll give you a billion Stanley nickels if you never talk to me again.
Dwight: What’s the ratio of Stanley nickels to
Schrute bucks?
Stanley: The same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns.
Creed:\creedthoughts. Check it out.
Pam: I haven’t heard anything. But I bet Jim got the job. I mean, why wouldn’t he? He’s totally qualified, and smart, everyone loves him. And if he never comes back again, that’s okay. We’re friends. And I’m sure we’ll stay friends. We just … we never got the timing right. You know? I shot him down, and then he did the same to me, but you know what? It’s okay. I am totally fine. Everything is going to be totally …
Jim: Pam. (To camera) Sorry. Um, are you free for dinner tonight?
Pam: Yes.
Jim: All right. Then it’s a date.
Pam: I’m sorry, what was the question?
Kelly: Who was that?
Ryan: Nobody. You and I are done.
Kelly: What?!
So what to watch this summer? I'll be checking out The Traveler and So You Think You Can Dance, and whatever reality shows are thrown at me. I can't wait for next season and the new batch of shows (Gossip Girl, here's looking at you).